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Ħγpモr Est. as ∑xcel™ on November 2004 by NISMO
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 Join to best guild ;P = Hyper

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A little chick
A little chick

Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-05-26
Age : 36
Location : Venezuela Edo. Anzoategui

Join to best guild ;P = Hyper Empty
PostSubject: Join to best guild ;P = Hyper   Join to best guild ;P = Hyper Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2009 1:31 am

Hello Hyper
My name is Eliezer
I'm from Venezuela
all the games I've played GunBound is the best
My game is ID : ElieSiToOoH
Rank Country: 23
Rank World : 345
I have formulas for shooting
The most important thing to take is much item 2
Game 10 hours all the days
My Ex was Gremio: Hyper
Sali's Hyper because I want to be in the best Guild of GunBound and here I am with you [Hyper]
I want to unite the Hyper
I want to be in the best Guild of GunBound and my best Guild is the Hyper
I want to participate with you in the Gran Prix and give the best of my!!
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Join to best guild ;P = Hyper
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